February ’22 – Net Worth and monthly update #43 £808,102 (-£7,300) 109% FI

Markets continued to fall in February due to the Ukraine situation and continued inflation worries, resulting in a second consecutive monthly drop in my net worth.

I see no reason to panic and will continue with my strategy of contributing to my SIPP with 100% equities.

Things carried on as normal though in the FU household, with us all keeping busy with work and doing our general everyday living tasks which is non-stop in our 8 person family.

Me and Mrs FU managed to get out quite a few times over the month, both celebrating her birthday with a meal and concert, and going out for a couple of mystery dines after hearing about it at a previous Manchester FIRE meet. It’s nice to try new places and get paid for it!


The Numbers

Original FI Target  – £1.25m –  to give £50k/year income @ 4% withdrawal rate.

Current FI value – £808k networth+ £466k (2xState pen £18.6k x 25) + £88k (DB pen £3.5k x 25)) = £1.363m

% to Target FI – 109.0% (109.6% last month)

Time to FI =  Achieved! (achieved-April 21)



Last months figures in brackets

Net Worth Jan ’22 – £808,102  (Jan ’21 £815,402) -0.9% -£7,300


Assets – £993,962  (£1,002,858) -0.9%  -£8,896

Cash/bank £7560 (£7527)

Main Home Q4 £490,731 (Q4 £490,731) +0% +£0

Rental Properties Q4 £202,426 (Q4 £202,426) +0% +£0

Pension SIPP £293,245 (£302,174) -3.0%  -£8,929


Liabilities – £185,860 (£187,456) -0.9%  -£1,596

Main Home Mortgage £79,750 (£80,100)

Loans, Debts and credit cards £106,110 (£107,456)


Overall Net Worth in February decreased by £7.3k.

Rolling year on year change in net worth from February ’21 is +£143,950 (assets +£117,913 liabilities -£26,037)

Since we began tracking in June ’18, our net worth has increased by £393k, at an average of £8.9k per month.



My house price YOY change +11.24%. (Q4 2020 – Q4 2021 NW England)

The Equity in my main home is £410,981.

Main home and rental property values are calculated using the Nationwide House price index.

Nationwide’s February ’22 update reports annual house price growth accelerated in February to 12.6%.

The UK annual % change in house prices is +12.6%, with a UK average house price of £260k.



SIPP Dividends paid in February were £610.

Dividends Feb 22 YTD total 996,  Av. £498/m   (Feb 21 ytd £831,  Feb 20 ytd £731)

(Year totals –2016 £425,  2017 £911,  2018 £1306,  2019 £2319, 2020 £5942, 2021 £7383)

Rolling 12m average is £628/m


Other Monthly/weekly goals

Matched Betting  +£622 this month (+£206last month)

We are still mainly doing casino offers with a little normal match betting.

Total to date since starting 52m ago £14100 Av. £271/m (£13478 to last month Av. 264/m), broken down as follows.

Casino/slot offers to date £7161(6561) = +£600 this month

Each way sniping to date £625 (£625) = £0 this month

Normal match betting offers +£22 this month


Diet and Fitness

75kg and 21% body fat . (75kg, 21% body fat last month).

I didn’t worry about what I ate this month, but continued to train 3 times per week and it seemed to make no difference to my weight.

My target is to get to 70kg and/or under 15% body fat.


eBay/selling – Nothing done this month.


Any comments/questions always welcome

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